Caring Bridge - April 2020

More Downs Than Ups

M had several different scans this week.  We had an appointment with Dr. G that told us the news of the scans. 

It wasn’t good news, but it wasn’t horrible. Just confusing and uncertain. A side effect in some people of the immunotherapy is that it creates nodules on the lungs that can be cancer or can just be nodules that can cause lung issues if not treated.  To see if it is a side effect meant no immunotherapy today to see if they go down or at least don’t change in the next 4 weeks. Immunotherapy M receives every 3 weeks helps bolster the immune system. The chemo meds also fights the cancer through the blood. If there are no changes or shrinkage to the nodules, M will get a steroid treatment. After we will need to discuss options so that the nodules don’t come back. If it grows during the 4 weeks, then it is might be cancer and we discuss a whole other set of options.  I imagine it will be a stressful 4 weeks as we wait to see what happens. 

We are still processing this latest news and to be honest, we are a bit numb and feeling overwhelmed with the results. We are trying to remain positive, but we are feeling some anxiety too. On the positive side of the results the cancer in the liver and spleen are still shrinking! Dr G. says it’s not much,  but we’ll take it! 

... we just didn’t expect another curveball - yet here we are. We could use positive thoughts, energy, and prayers. We are ever thankful for all your support. You all help us get through each day.


Caring Bridge - April 2020


Caring Bridge - April 2020