Last Game


Michaela and I used to play board games when we were first together, but what happened is a common story. Ugly competitiveness and our love for each other reared up against each other. We stopped playing games after an ugly argument. It didn’t sit well with us.

Now fast forward to September 8, 2017 Michaela and I had time between some work appointments we had on Main St. It was a beautiful day and we decided we were going to just walk and window shop. As we were about to head one way, Michaela decided to turn another way. Board Fox Games had just moved to Main St. I hadn’t been in there ever, but Michaela had been in their old location and bought us a game. We loved the game, Splendor, and wondered if it was safe to get back into gaming. We walked in the store and ended up with 2 cooperative games. Meaning it us against the game. Right away we fell in love with the board game hobby. We became obsessed.

We threw ourselves into the hobby and went completely crazy buying and playing games. We would play at least one game a day if not more. Weekends sometimes meant more than 2 game. It was obsession in the best possible way as it brought us complete joyous abandon. It was amazing to have this time unplugged from our phones and the chaos of the world. We would just laugh and talk over the games. We have amazing memories we created playing games.

As Michaela became sick, her energy and pain levels made it harder and harder to play games. I was surprised by how much both of us were missing it and how it just effected our overall mood by not having that release to unplug. We had to find different games so that she could lay on the couch and play. Our game play slowed significantly.

The last game we played was an interesting story. When Michaela and I first started play games she would win 80% of the time. We would have so much fun playing even when I rarely won. The more she and I played, the better it became at games. So that it became more like 65% of the time she won. There was one game we played 15 times and out of the 15 times played Michaela only one once. She ended up hating the game so it became like a joke, where she would say she was up for any game and I would reply with, “even welcome to…”

One night towards the end of her cancer journey, she said she wanted to play a game, I again used the joke reply of that game. She came back with, “yes.” I questioned if she really meant it and she did. We played the game and I was crossing my fingers she would win as she never wins this game. It frustrates her as she doesn’t get the strategy of it. I tallied our scores at the end and SHE WON! That was the last game she played before she died.

I am happy she won her last board game play. It was a game that she struggled to understand. I will see her shocked and joyous smile that she won.

Those memories created around board games will be cherished. It has been hard to play them again. I know without a doubt she would want me to keep up with this hobby.


Unfinished Sentiments


A First of many