Darby Darby

DMV & Grief

I think the DMV gets a bad wrap. Just like attorneys often get a bad wrap. Not every DMV employee is horrible. Not every attorney is a horrible person.

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Darby Darby

21 Years

21 years ago today Michaela picked me up at the airport in Denver. At the time, I am not sure I understood the impact of that moment.

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Darby Darby


Holidays can be hard in general for most people. Holidays for those grieving adds just additional layers to make things difficult. The first Christmas after Michaela died, I did a big tree to honor her. It had all sorts of butterflies

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Darby Darby

Sunday Morning Brunch

Every little thing reminds me of her this morning. Honestly every day is like this, but going to use this morning to explain it. Sunday mornings were usually chill days with M.

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