Caring Bridge Intro


The majority of the Caring Bridge posts use Michael and he/him. Michaela was transgender. Michaela hadn’t told a couple of family members until 2 days before she died. We used Michael and he/him until she revealed to those family members. It was one of her final wishes that I reveal her authentic self to everyone. She wanted to do it herself on Facebook after she told those 2 people, but she was too sick at that point to be able to post so she asked me to let everyone know after she passed.

Just know Michaela and Michael are the same person on this website. Preferred name and pronouns are Michaela and she/her though.

Also all the Caring Bridge posts are back-dated as I didn’t start this website until shortly after Michaela passed. They are posted to the actual dates used on Caring Bridge.


Caring Bridge - December 2019