Darby Darby


In 2019, Pride was AMAZING for my love and I standing next to her as it was the first time she was fully out as herself authentically. That was the last time we went to Pride.

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Darby Darby

September 8

I love Facebook memories and at the same time they hold so many tears almost always good, but still difficult at times. September 8 always brings up multiple memories.

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Darby Darby

Not the same

When I hear things like the “I identified as a dinosaur..” I get upset because the person has such a lack of empathy.

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Darby Darby

She Glows

I struggle so much with what she missed out in the here and now. How she didn’t get to finish her transition.

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Darby Darby


For my 50th birthday I was going to get just the word yes. It was just a couple weeks before my birthday that M was diagnosed the first time with cancer.

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Darby Darby


I made some simple little bracelets after Michaela chose her new name.

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Darby Darby

Trans Awareness Week

You know those puzzles apps where when you have the right piece it snaps in place automatically and when you don’t it won’t fit. That is how it was for Michaela.

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Darby Darby

Caring Bridge Intro

Michaela and Michael are the same person on this website. Preferred name and pronouns are Michaela and she/her though.

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