Caring Bridge - January 2020

Caring Bridge Journal Entry by Darby — January 30, 2020


Michael and I can’t begin to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who reaches out with thoughts, prayers, notes, and help.

In no particular order, we want to do a special thank you to:

Pam, Jessica, Jody, Tammy, Shelly & Dan, Bert & Merce, Shelby, Becki, Kelly & Andrew, Ken & Marilyn, Vickie & Clem, friends from Transcend, friends from ADC, Kelli, Donna Sue, Michelle, Mary Claire, Debra, Trudi, High Desert Healing Center, Garth, and Maranee.

You all are amazing. We don’t feel alone in this and know even during this journey we have people who will make sure we don’t have to worry about all the other daily struggles on top of the cancer. You all are truly a blessing. We can’t thank you enough.

If I forgot someone who has given us a gift, please drop me a note to make sure we got it. I apologize if I missed you. It might be me being forgetful, but just in case contact me, please.


Caring Bridge - January 2020


Caring Bridge - January 2020