Caring Bridge - January 2020

Caring Bridge Journal Entry by Darby — January 25, 2020

Forward. Positive changes.

Michael had a check in with Dr. G yesterday. Before the second infusion, Michael had blood tests. They came back better. Numbers that needed to improve like white blood count and liver enzymes all came back with improvement. Just a little after one infusion. You know how significant that is? One infusion already giving improvements! It makes us feel hopeful to have good changes to the numbers. She also could tell from us the exam the liver and spleen aren’t so inflamed.

Only negative is that Michael has lost more weight. So we will be talking to the nutritionist on the 30th when the next infusion happens. His appetite has improved hopefully it will continue so he doesn’t lose any more.

Today Michael went for a walk at the mall and has done business work. Both which have been extremely difficult up until now.

  • Numbers on blood counts have shown improvement

  • Inflammation of liver and spleen better

  • Coughing less

  • Appetite better and taste buds returning with the use of the prescription mouthwash

  • Energy better - wanting to do more

  • Less pain

  • Port installed and healing well

Next infusion is coming up this week so a new set of blood tests will be done. Before the forth infusion, I think a new scan will happen to make sure the cancer is not spreading. The goal is to make it not spread since it is stage 4 and hopefully also shrink. That there have been improvements on numbers after the first infusion is hopeful. We both are grateful as well as (cautiously) optimistic that it will continue to show improvement.


Caring Bridge - January 2020


Caring Bridge - January 2020