Caring Bridge - April 2020

Life really changed for us in 2020. Whether it was facing a new life-changing diagnosis or dealing with the COVID-19 virus and the aftermath. What’s interesting is the concept of adaptability how it is really the same across the board. 

It also explains why some folks are losing their proverbial minds over a roll of Charmin. COVID-19 has definitely brought out the extremes of ourselves and our neighbors. 

When the diagnosis hit me back in December there was a lot of “okay, what was that again?” All the while the team was flying forward to make appointments, get these scripts going, here’s a packet and book - please let us know if you have any questions... we ... adapted. Not like we had much of a choice but we absorbed and moved on. 

Folks dealing with COVID-19 have been just as broadly responsive. From “I’m gonna do what I want” to “it’s a hoax, fake fake fake” to “omg it’s the end of the days!” Even still - I’d say most folks went: there’s something bad coming, we need to do something now. They adapted, they rationally processed and they did the things they needed to in order to make it through this. 

Adaptability is key and essential. The hardest part I’ve admitted to others is the fact I could not anticipate what I need tomorrow or how I was going to do. I literally went from feeling great and wonderful to an abyss that managed to lock me to bed for a couple of days. I couldn’t anticipate that change or figure out why it was happening. 

Much like COVID-19, I adapted. My stomach is having issues: adapt. I have low/no energy today: adapt. I am dizzy and can’t walk straight: adapt. One week I have 8 different symptoms that I have to deal with ... next week 2 symptoms remain but you gained these 4 other ones. 

COVID-19 is making us all adapt in ways we gradually get better at. Isolation is hard, but we cope and find ways to be okay. We have thinning pantry cupboards, but we become innovative to figure out what to make for dinner. We’re learning how to adapt with it all. 

I guess my overall theme to this post is to say: when we adapt, we stand a better chance of moving forward and gaining momentum and strength while we’re here. Fighting it, not buying into the plan affects the world around us ... and doesn’t really help us in the long run. 

Adapt! (and wash your hands, let’s go! Chop chop)


Caring Bridge - April 2020


Caring Bridge - March 2020