Caring Bridge - March 2020


M and I were pretty much doing self isolation, before all this too, but of course this brings it to a new level. When I go to get essentials, now I worry more that I might bring something deadly home to my beloved. I have been doing shopping, pick up, and delivery as much as I can. If I go in, I am masked. I use hand sanitizer and wash my hands as soon as I am home. I wipe everything down with Clorox wipes. Maybe overkill? But better safe than sorry.

I just read an article where there is a choir that met in Washington. 60 people showed and sang right when this was starting, and now 45 of them are sick. Those odds aren’t in our favor so thinking next time I might need to use gloves too as well as washing up. This is so crazy. As my sister said it feels like we are in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Truly it does.

The next infusion is this week. Thursday. There are prep appointments too. So this week will be busy. But all the other appointments we usually have for restorative care have been canceled for the stay at home orders.

Last week and especially this weekend were rough. Usually the week after the infusion is pretty good. It pumps the immunity up to make M feel good, but then it starts slipping and making all the side effects come to the surface. This time it seems that it slipped faster and more nausea, more stomach issues in general, more pain from the liver swelling. So we are hoping it isn’t this bad this next time.

Otherwise we are using the time without so many appointments to catch up on sleep. M has been doing some work. I am trying to get some spring cleaning done. But mostly I am creating art, reading, and cooking/baking.

We hope everyone is staying safe at home.

Thank you to Ken & Marilyn, Kelli, Shelly, Maranee, Trudi, Wendy, and my parents. All have sent us gift cards, made us things, and helped us when we needed assistance. Thank you to everyone of our friends and family for your support. You don’t know how much we appreciate you.

My parents were able to stop and spend some time on their way back to Minnesota from wintering in Arizona. It was really good to see them. I needed hugs from my Mom and Dad. I am 52 years old and that still can make me feel better.

Photos of cookies, art by me, masks Trudi made us and the best quarantine gift ever toilet paper and wine!


Caring Bridge - April 2020


Caring Bridge - March 2020