Caring Bridge - January 2020

Caring Bridge Journal Entry by Darby — January 2, 2020

Good days and bad days.

We all know someone who has had cancer and heard them say, “there are good days and bad days.” Now I know what that means on a personal level. Seeing the person I love go through this has been difficult and we are only one infusion into this journey. But yesterday.

Yesterday was a good day. Michael was able to sit at the table and play a game. It was a longer game so we took breaks, but it was a nice fun change.

The chemo pill is causing mouth sores and sore throat so it hurts to eat or talk above a whisper. Another new side effect is stomach acid. Positive note Michael’s cough, that had been so bad, is almost completely gone now.
On a bad day, the swelling in stomach area especially around liver make it painful for Michael to move, sit upright, or lay in one position too long. The sores in the mouth make eating and appetite in general difficult. Dizzy spells seem common on severe swelling days. I don’t like leaving him alone when he is dizzy. Wendy came over so I could run to the grocery store and just get out of the house the other day. It was a bad day, so there in the frozen foods I was tearing up after running into a friend. She was kind and understanding.
So there are good days and bad days. But starting the new year on a good day was splendid.

Blanket made and given to M by close friends.

Blanket made and given to M by close friends.


Caring Bridge - January 2020


Caring Bridge - December 2019