Caring Bridge - January 2020

Caring Bridge Journal Entry by Michael — January 4, 2020

Good morning everyone -

I am sorry I've been quiet on here so far. Ever since that first treatment it has been an uphill/downhill battle in just understanding what was happening to me after my first treatment. I went from feeling miserable to feeling really miserable after the Battle for Middle Earth began (Lord of the Rings reference - it's okay) to gradually watching and feeling progress.

A lot of time I spend napping or resting as my body continues to sort out what it’s doing and I swear: the stuff works nearly all the time. One day it’s working my stomach, the next it’s trying to help with breathing or maybe my appetite. It just goes to work and I’m kinda along for the ride. Work has been tough due to brain fog and energy. Both of which have improved a lot but random what part it wants to target.

One day my symptoms are less than the day or two before - other days I get 3 or 4 added maybe a new one which I have to address. It seems random so far.

But for now - I embrace the good energy days as something to build on while carefully acknowledging the limits for that day. Gently urging my body that we can do more and it’s a good thing.

I also just wanted to spend a moment in humility for the love and support we’ve gotten from friends and our circle. The response has been overwhelming and we cannot thank you enough for the help and thoughtfulness you have given us. From an amazing hugging blanket, to signing up for our food train to sending email love or hearts on here.

It all matters a great deal to us in ways that still brings tears out and renders me speechless.

With our love - THANK YOU ❤️ we love you!!

M & D


Caring Bridge - January 2020


Caring Bridge - January 2020