Valentine’s Day
My first Valentine’s with M, we were both sick with colds. Soup and grilled cheese was our special Valentine’s dinner. Although it might have been that grilled cheese that made her fall more in love with me
Holidays can be hard in general for most people. Holidays for those grieving adds just additional layers to make things difficult. The first Christmas after Michaela died, I did a big tree to honor her. It had all sorts of butterflies
It’s Officially the Holidays
M always said it felt like the holidays when I started baking. Today made peanut butter blossoms…
I made her a simplistic little book. It had lyrics and little pieces of collage to match the mix-cd.
Facebook Memories
Every morning, I look at FB memories to see if we tagged each other in a post. It makes me cry most days, but I am hanging on to our memories.